Monday, August 24, 2015

The Good, The Bad, The Poorly Designed (Part II)

Clean Up, Aisle 3


In a close second behind The Visual Arts League is a site that, after having made the list of top 10 worst sites of 2008 (presented by webpagesthatsuck), made a few (literally a few) changes in an effort to spruce up their appearance.

Sadly, it was not time well spent.

Why I Hate It:

My eyes water as I try to focus on everything happening on this page while simultaneously attempting to ignore the floating banner. There's no organization and no (apparent) logic behind the layout - just complete and utter chaos. Imagine walking in to the grocery store and instead of clearly labeled aisles and an organized layout of products, the merchandise is lying in a heap in the middle of the floor while some yahoo runs up and down the store with a banner yelling "We're Number 1!". Which brings me to my next point -

I hate that floating banner.
Announcing 10 years of excellence in service, over and over. Clearly unable to boast about excellence in organization or overall ability as web developers, this slogan seems to be the best they could run with. And run it does. Looping across the screen to the point of becoming nearly the most irritating thing on the page. Nearly - but not quite.

The award for most irritating thing on the page is overuse of bold font. Everywhere you look, it's bold and in some cases all caps (you know, in case the bold font isn't sufficiently irritating). Bold font should be used sparingly, a "check out our weekly special" type of use. Not on every label of every product.

In the same way that I choose to pay more by visiting Publix instead of Walmart, I would choose a competitors site in order to avoid using this site. While I will, without a doubt, pay more at Publix, I walk in knowing that I can find exactly what I'm looking for without hunting or requiring the assistance of an employee to help me, and walk out with my sanity still intact.

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